Home Events 4D3N Advent Residential Retreat: “No Longer Longing: O Come Emmanuel, O Come Lord Jesus”

Date & Time

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: 07 – 11 Dec 2022
  • Time: 8:00 pm






Lifesprings Canossian Spirituality Centre
100 Jln Merbok, Singapore 598454



  • Important Notes:

    The Advent Residential Retreat: “No Longer Longing: O Come Emmanuel, O Come Lord Jesus” is a retreat that runs on these following days:

    • 8/12/2022 – 9am (Starts)
    • 9/12/2022 – Full Day
    • 10/12/2022 – Full Day
    • 11/12/2022 – 1pm (Ends)


    Registration closes 3 weeks before event.


4D3N Advent Residential Retreat: “No Longer Longing: O Come Emmanuel, O Come Lord Jesus”

“Soon it will be Christmas Day,” so goes one popular Christmas song. For Christians, a richer term to express the birth of Christ is “Advent.” It simply means “coming,” the coming of God into our world. With the Advent, we are no longer longing like Simeon who waited his whole life for the “consolation of Israel” (Luke 2:25).

But Advent does not just commemorate the birth of Christ, His first coming. It also anticipates the second Advent, His second coming. And we are reminded indeed to be like Simeon, and also the martyred believers who (in John’s vision of the future), “cried out in a loud voice “How long, Sovereign Lord … until you judge…?” (Rev 6:10)

Advent begins the Christian Year, which is based on the life of Christ. Thus, every new year, we start afresh to remember Christ’s birth and “follow” him from cradle to cross, from the grave to the sky. This is however, no boring re-run. The life of Christ, now the Living One (Rev 1:18) revitalizes us, as month after month, we are immersed in the spiritual significance of Advent, Epiphany, Lent, Resurrection, Ascension and Pentecost.

~ Extracts from John Chong Ser Choon’s Advent Reflection

Booking of Event

For Paid Events Only

After you have made your booking above, please use any of the following payment methods below and include the transaction ID and your name in the reference code if available. We will confirm your booking once we verify your payment. Thank you.


Please PayNow to our registered UEN: T16SS0009E or use the QR code as displayed below.

Bank Transfer

Please transfer using the following details.
Payee: Community of Spiritual Formation.
Bank: DBS Bank
Current Account No: 107-903020-3


Please cross your cheque and fill in the details as follows:
Payable to: Community for Spiritual Formation
Mail to: 71, Wolskel Road, Singapore 357975. Thank You.


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