Home Events Easter Day Retreat – Come and have Breakfast with Me (John 21:12)

Date & Time

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: 08 – 09 May 2023
  • Time: 9:00 pm – 5:00 am






Community for Spiritual Formation
12 Jalan Lateh, Singapore 359110



  • Important Notes:

    Registration closes 1 week before event.


Easter Day Retreat – Come and have Breakfast with Me (John 21:12)

After Jesus’ resurrection, the gospels record various appearances that Jesus makes: to Mary, the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, and groups of disciples.

In John 21:1-14, Jesus appears to seven disciples who were out fishing. He shows them a miracle – a catch of 153 fish after a whole night of catching nothing. Then He invites them to have breakfast on the shore – fish laid out over charcoal fire, and some bread.

Imagine the camaraderie around the charcoal fire:
the hungry men, the welcome food, the questions
asked, the stories recalled, the shared laughter and
later the exchange that restores Peter. This is our
risen Lord, wholly other yet still human, mysterious
yet down-to-earth, forever one of us even as he is
forever over us.” ~ Bobby Gross, Living the Christian Year
(IL: InterVarsity Press, 2009), 209.

Hear Jesus’ invitation to his disciples to come ashore and eat with him, rest from their night of labour.

Respond to Jesus’ invitation to you to come away from your busy day, week, and year. Come, and spend a day of quiet with Him.

Booking of Event

For Paid Events Only

After you have made your booking above, please use any of the following payment methods below and include the transaction ID and your name in the reference code if available. We will confirm your booking once we verify your payment. Thank you.


Please PayNow to our registered UEN: T16SS0009E or use the QR code as displayed below.

Bank Transfer

Please transfer using the following details.
Payee: Community of Spiritual Formation.
Bank: DBS Bank
Current Account No: 107-903020-3


Please cross your cheque and fill in the details as follows:
Payable to: Community for Spiritual Formation
Mail to: 71, Wolskel Road, Singapore 357975. Thank You.


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