Home Events SF201: Spiritual Disciplines ~ Means of Grace Towards Christlikeness (Prerequisite: SF101, 102, 103 & 105)

Date & Time

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: 27 – 28 Oct 2023
  • Time: 9:00 pm – 1:00 am






Community for Spiritual Formation
12 Jalan Lateh, Singapore 359110



  • Important Notes:

    SF201: Spiritual Disciplines ~ Means of Grace Towards Christlikeness is a course that consist of 5 sessions on these following days:

    • 28/10/2023
    • 25/11/2023
    • 02/12/2023
    • 09/12/2023
    • 16/12/2023


    You must also have attended SF101, SF102, SF103 and SF105 prior to joining this course.

    All sessions are in-person at our venue.

    Registration closes 1 week before event.


SF201: Spiritual Disciplines ~ Means of Grace Towards Christlikeness (Prerequisite: SF101, 102, 103 & 105)

(Prerequisite to join SF201: Completion of SF101, 102, 103 and 105)

How does a Christian continue to grow deeper in Christ after the initial thrill of experiencing God’s love and saving grace? Even as we commit ourselves to serve Him, how do we renew ourselves after the demands and drain of ministry? We know about the core spiritual disciplines of keeping our quiet time, prayer and reading the Bible. Spiritual disciplines however, are not just to nourish our spiritual life, and also to cultivate a spiritual attentiveness to God.

This Spiritual Formation course aims to introduce a group of spiritual disciplines to help us “to practice the presence of God.” A framework linking these disciplines and the process involved will be explained.

The course is designed to be practical. Beside the teaching segment, we will practice the disciplines e.g. the writing journal reflections, and meeting up with spiritual directors to discern God’s leading in your life. These disciplines will help us to grow deeper in Christ and provide renewal after the drain of ministry.

Booking of Event

For Paid Events Only

After you have made your booking above, please use any of the following payment methods below and include the transaction ID and your name in the reference code if available. We will confirm your booking once we verify your payment. Thank you.


Please PayNow to our registered UEN: T16SS0009E or use the QR code as displayed below.

Bank Transfer

Please transfer using the following details.
Payee: Community of Spiritual Formation.
Bank: DBS Bank
Current Account No: 107-903020-3


Please cross your cheque and fill in the details as follows:
Payable to: Community for Spiritual Formation
Mail to: 71, Wolskel Road, Singapore 357975. Thank You.